Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus

On Thursday 24th May 2001 at 21:30 hours, just before dark, Hans van Oosterhout discovered an Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Epen in Limburg province. The bird was flying low and was apparently looking for a place to sleep. The bird disappeared behind the houses. Hans searched in vain, also darkness felt in quickly. He phoned the Dutch Birdline and at 22:45 hours all birders were warned with the excellent pager-system.
Friday May 25th, next day, about 30-40 birders gathered at sunset. There was a thick fog, so most birders considered this morning as a good opportunity to re-unite! But then at 10:00 hours exactly, with the fog clearing up a little, Jan Bisschop shouted "AASGIER!" (Dutch for Egyptian Vulture). There it was, an adult Egyptian Vulture!! Then it was all joy, excitement, running birders, upset villagers and ringing mobile phones, the usual sight and sounds when a rare bird appears! The bird flew slowly and moved northwards and gave good views, although rather shortly. After a few minutes it disappeared behind the houses. It was rediscovered 10 minutes later at the village of Schweiberg. There it was seen for another 5 minutes before it disappeared in the low lying clouds. After that the bird was not seen again...

25 May 2001, Epen L; © Max Berlijn.

This record was accepted as first for the Netherlands (cf Dutch Birding 24 (6): 330-331, 2002 and DB 25 (3): 164-166).

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