Green-winged Teal - Anas carolinensis
During the preparation of a local Big Day on 9 May 1998, Mark Adelaar and Jeroen Bijleveldt discovered a male Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis on a small pond at The Abstkolk, Petten (the same location where a White-tailed Plover was seen in July 1984). The bird was seen the whole afternoon and joined three other Common Teals Anas crecca. For me this was a new species, because I always was too late with the previous ones the past years and it was only since 1996 considered a seperate species by the CSNA, the Dutch Comittee for Avian Systematics.
9 May 1998, Abtskolk, Petten NH; © Jan van der Laan.
9 May 1998, Abtskolk, Petten NH; © Raymond van Splunder.
9 May 1998, Abtskolk, Petten NH; © Raymond van Splunder.
The bird was only seen on 9 May. Until 1996 there are 14 records of this North American species with peak month being April and exclusively males (cf Dutch Birding 20 (3): 136 and 20 (4): 146).
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