Black-headed Bunting

While queuing-up for the ferry to Texel, where a male Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis was discovered on May 4th, Diederik Kok and Mark Plomp saw a sparrow-like bird next to their car, which turned out to be a male Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala! They quickly warned other birders, some of them where already on the ferry. This bunting stayed at least till May 22nd and showed itself very well (too well, unfortunately).

(This photo is taken by © Arnoud van den Berg from Santpoort-Zuid)

This is the 6th record for the Netherlands (if accepted!), others where in 1962, 1967, 1993 and 1996 (2).

You can go back to the Spanish Sparrow or the 1997-index.